I've burned out the ISO of Ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386 (32-bit OS).

我將ubuntu 10.04版的iso檔燒出來變成光碟

This CD includes LiveCD option, which provides trying ubuntu without installation and won't affect my current OS (Windows 7),

而且這張光碟含有Live CD功能!!Live CD可以讓我們線上「試用」「操作」ubuntu作業系統,不需要經過「安裝」程序。所以不會影響到目前的作業系統(看你是windows XP, Vista, 或是win 7)

Wubi, to run ubuntu in Windows as a program,

and regular install.

另含有Wubi (將ubuntu像一般程式一樣裝在windows之下,或是正常的安裝系統)

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