Taiwan High Speed Rail Co. (THSRC)
(How to transfer with big luggage (also wheelchair, stroller) from the Arrival Platform of THSRC Taipei Station, to the MRT)
(Go to high speed rail car No. 7. There is an elevator. Only one, no more. Typically waiting time : 10minutes)
2、到一樓大廳時,已離開高鐵付費區,所以電梯口會有收票員(票不可先收起來,要驗票) (1~2分鐘) (Take the elevator upstairs, 1~2 minutes)
3、往「東一門」方向出門,到達「可以淋到雨的戶外區」再進入「國光客運」建築物裡面,裡面有一台電梯 (約3分鐘) (At 1F, go to EAST 1 GATE, and get out of the building. Enter Kuo-kuang Bus building) (3 minutes)
4、這台標有「紅、藍」雙色的,上面寫著「捷運台北車站」3號電梯 (You will see "Elevator No 3" in Kuo-Kuang Bus building. It writes "MRT Taipei Main Station" with background color of blue and red, represents blue line and red line of the Taipei MRT)
5、 等電梯、下去B3,即可到達捷運台北車站進站處 (等約2~4分鐘!)(Get downstairs to B3, you'll see MRT TAIPEI MAIN Station Entrance. 2~4 min)
全程轉運約需20分鐘, 供旅客參考。
The total transfer time will be approx. 20 min. (From THSRC platform to MRT platform)